1170 Encoder Direction
The 1170 Printer requires the encoder to spin in a specific direction in order to accept encoder pulses.
If using a Postmark provided TR1 encoder, the direction of the wheel should be as shown below with factory default settings:
To check if the encoder direction is correct, the lights on the back of the machine can be used. By hand, move the transport belt very slowly until you can see individual pulses from the encoder on the back lights. If the encoder direction is correct, the lights should sequence from the bottom to the top:
If the lights on the back of the machine sequencing from the top to the bottom, there are two solutions to reverse the direction of the encoder.
Physically move the encoder so that the wheel spins in the opposite direction.
Change the jumpers on the 1170 utility board as shown below:
Remove the top orange cover from the 1170 printhead by removing 4 x M4 screws:
Identify the 1170 utility board - there should be two small jumpers on a section that says “encoder direction”
Factory Default position:
Alternate position (will flip encoder direction internally):
Note that the 1170 requires a specific type of encoder to work. For installs not using a postmark provided encoder, please see the below encoder specifications
Connector - M12 eurofast 8 pin
Input Voltage: 5.0V
Output Type: Line Driver
Quadrature encoder needs to represent 600 lines per inch (2400 quadrature counts per inch).
Recommended encoder:
EPC - TR1-U1R6-3600NV1QHV-K00
Download Cad model of TR1 Encoder